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After a two-year hiatus, Paul Smith’s College’s alumni magazine (formerly the Sequel) has returned as a reinvigorated, 68-page deep-dive into all things Smitty rebuilt for the entire Paul Smith’s College community.
After a few challenging years, the College is now riding a wave of momentum, with remarkable gains in enrollment, retention, fundraising, student athletics, grant awards, thought leadership, and more.
In short, Paul Smith’s College is strong and continues to get stronger.
Paul Smith’s College is not only the College of the Adirondacks, but the College for the Adirondacks. We’re honored to have you as a partner—helping us advance the Smitty cause of creating sharp minds and calloused hands.
Thank you to all of our sponsors, whose messages you will see throughout this issue.
Smitty on!
—Heather Tuttle Peria ’99
Director of Alumni Relations